Publishing Success Stories
Door and Hardware Institute Magazine Publishing
Association Vision provides complete editorial and production services to the Door and Hardware Institute (DHI) for its monthly Door Security + Safety magazine. We work with the DHI Editorial Board and a wide range of member authors to ensure strong editorial content that serves this multifaceted construction-related industry. We operate as a seamless extension of the DHI staff to develop and execute magazine strategy as well as day-to-day operational management.
Council for Exceptional Children Publications Management
Association Vision President Al Rickard, CAE, serves as the Interim Publications Manager at the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), overseeing and implementing the book publishing operation and two journals. He developed a new book publishing strategy that has improved content curation, established a Publications Review Panel, forged new agreements with external publishers, renegotiated existing publisher reseller agreements to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and increased book sales and net revenue significantly. He is also leading a rebranding effort for the TEACHING Exceptional Children journal to strengthen CEC content and visibility.
AIAA Magazine Repositioning, Redesign, and Digital Launch
We spearheaded a magazine modernization project for Aerospace America, published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. We conducted a comprehensive communications audit that examined all aspects of AIAA print and online content delivery. The recommendations we made led to enhanced content integration across the organization and built a foundation for a complete redesign of the magazine and launch of a new digital publishing platform on a responsive design website. We currently handle production of the magazine.
ASCE Geo-Institute Magazine Redesign and Publishing
The Geo-Institute is part of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Association Vision was hired to consult with the American Society of Civil Engineers Geo-Institute to remake and redesign its bimonthly GEOSTRATA magazine and handle the publication management, layout, and proofreading process for each issue. Our initial consulting provided strategic guidance on developing and repositioning several columns and departments, improving the flow of the magazine, and providing a fundamentally new approach for the design and layout. We successfully integrated those concepts into the magazine and now produce each issue.
National Investor Relations Institute Magazine Publishing
The National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) represents high-level corporate officers who handle investor relations for publicly traded companies. NIRI engages Association Vision to publish its quarterly IR Update magazine, handling all editorial, design, production, printing, and mailing. Association Vision President Al Rickard serves as Editor-in-Chief. We also helped develop on online magazine solution and provide consulting services to the NIRI in-house advertising sales operation.
Global Cold Chain Alliance Magazine Launch and Publishing
The Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) represents a critical distribution supply chain service for the food and pharmaceutical industries. Association Vision has worked with GCCA since 2003, handling a wide range of publishing activities and building total ad revenue to an all-time high of $222,000 in 2017. In 2009 we transformed three newsletters into a single magazine for the organization and now provide complete editorial and production services for Cold Facts magazine.
American Alliance of Museums Advertising Sales
AAM engaged Association Vision to develop an advertising strategy, create a media kit, and handle advertising sales. We conducted advertising promotion and sales for the bimonthly Museum magazine, weekly Aviso e-newsletters, Museum Junction online discussion forum, website, and annual convention program. We doubled advertising sales revenue during our six-year engagement.
Air Conditioning Contractors of America Advertising Sales
ACCA and its publishing affiliate, IE3 Media, hired Association Vision to handle advertising sales for its 6X-per-year IE3 magazine and its range of digital publishing opportunities, including its website, e-newsletter, product promotion email, and dedicated e-blasts. We sell a range of advertising, advertorial, and sponsored content placements and generated $100,000 in new advertising revenue during the first year of our engagement.
Associated General Contractors of California Custom Publishing
AGC of CA contracts with Association Vision to publish California Contractor magazine through a custom publishing agreement. This allows AGC of CA to provide the magazine to its members and prospects with an opportunity for the association to receive royalties on ad revenue. We work closely with the AGC of CA contract editor to produce the editorial portion of the magazine and handle all other aspects of magazine, including design, production, and advertising sales. We also enhanced the online presentation of the magazine and offer readers the option of subscribing to an online-only version of the publication.
Casualty Actuarial Society Advertising Sales
CAS launched a new magazine in 2013 and engaged Association Vision to sell advertising in this 6X-per-year publication. We developed a marketing strategy, established advertising rates, produced a media kit, and generated nearly $70,000 in advertising during the first year, which grew to $82,000 during the second year and is now more than $100,000 per year.
National Business Officers Association Publishing
The National Business Officers Association (NBOA) represents K-12 independent school business officers. NBOA contracted with Association Vision to provide publishing, editorial oversight, advertising sales, design, and production for Net Assets magazine. We converted this quarterly publication to 6X per year and nearly doubled magazine advertising revenue to $140,000 during the first year of our contract. We also developed an advertising sales program for the NBOA Bottomline e-newsletter and generated $40,000 in revenue during the first year. In addition, we proposed and managed the launch of an online supplier directory, including handling advertising sales for this new product, and generated another $40,000 in advertising revenue during the first two months of this new venture. E-Newsletter Launch and Editorial Services
Association Vision has provided publishing and public relations services to since its inception in 2002. In 2003 we helped launch the e-Alert newsletter, which reaches 40,000 meeting professionals every other week. Association Vision provides many of the articles for the newsletter and advises on newsletter publishing strategy.
National Association for the Self Employed Magazine Publishing
Association Vision published this online-only magazine for members of the National Association of the Self Employed (NASE), including content development, writing, editing, proofreading, and managing the design process.
National Association of Convenience Stores Magazine Launch
The National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) hired Association Vision to evaluate its concept for launching a new magazine. The vision for the new publication was to enhance the NACS brand in the market and fill a niche for industry issues analysis. Association Vision analyzed the trade press market in the industry, wrote a business plan, helped gain Board approval, and launched The NACS Magazine, which won the Association Trends Publications Awards Competition for Best Trade Association Magazine. It generated nearly $1 million in advertising revenue in its first year.
Better Sleep Council Magazine Launch
Most association magazines are aimed primarily at member audiences. But the Better Sleep Council (BSC) had a broader vision. As the public relations foundation of the International Sleep Products Association (ISPA), BSC saw a much-needed opportunity to launch a magazine to educate the customers of sleep products manufacturers – the sleep products retailers. Association Vision analyzed industry research on the concept, assessed the trade press market, wrote a business plan, helped gain Board approval, and launched Sleep Savvy magazine. It generated $500,000 in advertising revenue in its first year.
American Concrete Pavement Association Custom Publishing
The American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) contracted with Association Vision to publish Concrete Pavement Progress magazine and the ACPA Membership Directory through a custom publishing agreement. Half the circulation of Concrete Pavement Progress also reaches thousands of federal, state, and municipal transportation agency officials, who represent the customers of ACPA contractor members, giving the industry a strong public relations presence through the magazine.
National Aeronautic Association Newsletter Launch and Online Transition
Association Vision developed and launched the bimonthly NAA Record newsletter for NAA that debuted in 2008. The newsletter reaches an audience of 3,000 individuals in the aeronautic industry. In 2009 we transitioned the publication to a monthly e-newsletter and provided complete outsourced publishing services for this newsletter.
Utilimetrics Custom Publishing
Utilimetrics, a utility technology association, contracted with Association Vision to publish Utilimetrics Quarterly, through a custom publishing agreement. Association Vision was responsible for advertising sales, design, and production and reviewed and edited editorial content provided by Utilimetrics staff. This magazine had a strong online presence and the vast majority of readers received it in a digital-only format.
3-A Sanitary Standards E-Newsletter Publishing
3-A Sanitary Standards provides certification for hygienic equipment in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. Association Vision was hired to launch and produce an e-newsletter that reaches key stakeholders in the industry and government regulatory agencies. We continue to publish this e-newsletter, which has an open rate of 50 percent.
PMMI Magazine Feasibility Study
When the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association (PMMI) was considering launching a magazine to reach the customers of its members, it hired Association Vision to conduct a magazine feasibility study. We examined the competitive trade magazine market in the packaging industry and attended the PMMI Pack Expo trade show to conduct surveys of potential readers (trade show attendees) and PMMI member companies (exhibitors and potential advertisers). We compiled and analyzed the results and delivered magazine launch recommendations, including a cost estimate and projected advertising rates and revenue, in a 40-page study report. PMMI subsequently launched Packaging Machinery Technology magazine, which has enjoyed strong success.
American Geophysical Union Newsletter Publishing
Association Vision helped AGU launch its monthly e-newsletter, including a contest that allowed AGU members to select the newsletter name, AGUniverse, from more than 500 potential names. We also wrote several issues of the newsletter until AGU was able to hire in-house staff to produce subsequent issues.
University Professional & Continuing Education Association Interim Publishing
Association Vision provided interim communication services, including publishing a quarterly print newsletter and monthly e-newsletter, for three months in 2012. In addition to handling this work during the absence of the director of communication, we provided strategic guidance on the communication and publishing program and helped launch a print and online advertising program.
ABA Staff Restructuring
Association Vision consulted with the American Bus Association (ABA) following the departure of a key staff person and restructured its magazine advertising staff. We wrote new position descriptions, conducted an executive search for a new advertising director, restructured sales territories, and identified a new advertising salesperson to represent one region. Association Vision also managed the advertising sales function for several months during the restructuring and search process.
Executive Update CEO Profiles
Association Vision President Al Rickard wrote several major feature stories for Executive Update, the magazine of the former Greater Washington Society of Association Executives that merged with the American Society of Association Executives magazine to become Associations Now. Rickard profiled business guru Tom Peters plus several association CEOs, including two who won the Association Trends Executive of the Year Award. Profiled executives included Steve Anderson, Neil Offen, Fred Spahr, Mark Golden, and Bill Norman.
Greater Washington Society of Association Executives Membership Directory
Association Vision President Al Rickard published the GWSAE Membership Directory when he served as Vice President of Communications & Publisher for GWSAE before launching Association Vision. He directed the advertising sales program, which generated more than $250,000 in annual revenue for the membership directory. Later, Association Vision managed the editorial and data compilation and production of this directory for three years.
SESMA Membership Directory
When the Special Event Sites Marketing Alliance (SESMA) was formed, it turned to Association Vision to help with initial publicity efforts and to develop and publish its first membership directory. We analyzed publishing options, developed the format, wrote much of the copy, sold advertising, and worked closely with the designer to produce a top-quality directory.
SSA Membership Directory
Association Vision published the Self Storage Association (SSA) Membership Directory for three years, including complete editorial, advertising, production, and printing services plus a personalization feature that printed the name of each member on their personal copy of the directory.
SFA Publishing Consulting
The Snack Food Association (SFA) hired Association Vision to advise the association on its external publishing partnership, develop enhanced features for its monthly insert in a food industry trade magazine, and provide editing services. Association Vision President Al Rickard previously served as SFA Vice President of Communications and Editor of Snack World magazine for seven years.