
Association Vision is skilled in conducting communication audits for associations. The experience of Association Vision executives in working as full-time senior staff with many different associations, as well as extensive consulting assignments with dozens of associations, provide us with the experience and perspective to deliver meaningful and actionable results to our clients.

We begin by asking some fundamental questions, including:

  • Are your communications aligned with your organizational strategy?
  • Are your communications and marketing efforts integrated across your organization?
  • Who are your audiences?
  • Have you developed consistent messages that are clear and concise?
  • Have you tailored your communications to each audience?
  • Do you know how each of your audiences wants to receive information?
  • Are you taking full advantage of your own communication vehicles?
  • Are your communication vehicles operating as effectively and efficiently as possible?
  • What new external communication vehicles do you need?
  • Have you fully accessed the resources and relationships in your organization to leverage your visibility?
  • Does your industry need a focused public relations campaign to accomplish a specific goal?

We find the answers to these questions through research strategies and tactics that are tailored to the unique needs of each association client. These include:

  • Strategic Plan Review – Review of the association strategic plan with special focus on areas relating to communications
  • Association Organizational Review – Assess the structure and scope of the association, including committees, chapters, sections, special interest groups, etc. and the implications for communication efforts
  • Environmental Scan – Review of external trends affecting the association and the profession or industry in which it operates
  • Competitive Environment Assessment – Review of competing trade associations and other organizations with overlapping missions and services
  • External Communications Market Analysis – Analysis of trade publications, e-newsletters, blogs, Web sites, in the association market space
  • Audience Analysis and Segmentation – Identification of audiences and segmentation into logical groups
  • Message Analysis – Review of core messages, consistency of use, how they are delivered, and potential revisions
  • Media Coverage Analysis – Review of media coverage of the association in external trade publications and the general media
  • Member and Volunteer Leader Research – Formal surveys, phone interviews with selected leaders, and/or focus groups
  • Communication Vehicle Analysis and Content Assessment – Includes all association communication vehicles reaching members and other audiences
  • Marketing Integration Analysis – Analyzes integration of core messages, content, format, and design elements in association communication vehicles and marketing pieces
  • Internal Staff Assessment – Informal interviews with staff from a range of functional areas to gauge perceptions of communications program and identify communication needs
  • Staff Structure Review – Assessment of communication staff structure and how it serves communication needs
  • Strategic Alliance Assessment – Evaluation of existing alliances and identification of potential alliances

Several Association Vision clients have found strong value from their communication audits.

Check out our communication audit success stories and contact Association Vision President Al Rickard at 703-402-9713.